Sanctuary has many accreditations from a large number of organisations. Below are details of the accreditations we hold:
The Regulator of Social Housing sets Economic and Consumer standards all housing associations are expected to meet. Sanctuary has G1 governance and V2 viability ratings, reflecting both the strength of our governance arrangements and our financial stability and resilience. Our rating of C2 under the consumer standard demonstrates we are generally meeting the consumer standards expected.
The international rating agency Standard & Poor's has given Sanctuary a credit rating of A negative and Moody's Investors Service has given us an A2 stable rating.
Investors in People
Sanctuary has Investors in People status. The Investors in People standard is recognised as the benchmark of how a business can improve performance through its people.
Disability Confident Employer
Sanctuary Group is a Disability Confident Employer. This accreditation recognises our commitment to employ, retain and develop the abilities of disabled staff.
Finance Accreditations
Sanctuary Group has been awarded four prestigious finance accreditations:
- the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Premier Partner;
- the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Platinum Employer Status for trainee development and a recognised employer for continuing professional development;
- an Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) Training Employer;
- the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Accredited Employer.
All four awards reflect the work that has been taking place to develop the support and opportunities available to our Finance staff in pursuit of their professional qualifications and further development.
HQN ‘Resident’s challenge’
Sanctuary has passed the Housing Quality Network (HQN) ‘Resident’s challenge’. This is an assessment, developed by HQN, of the effectiveness of the approach to, and outcome of, resident involvement and scrutiny.
City & Guilds, Institute of Leadership and Management, and Scottish Qualifications Authority
Sanctuary is approved by City & Guilds, the Institute of Leadership and Management and Scottish Qualifications Authority to deliver and certificate nationally recognised qualifications. The Group maintains a low risk status.
Code of Practice Certificate
Sanctuary has been awarded the Code of Practice Certificate by the Centre for Housing and Support.
British Standards Institute
Following extensive audits by the British Standards Institute, the Group’s internal scanning bureaus in Liverpool and Worcester have been certified with BS 10008 for their work in scanning our paper records. The accreditations confirm that the bureaus are able to destroy paper original documents with the electronic versions retaining the same legal weighting as the original.
TEC Services Association Quality Standards Framework
Sanctuary365 is accredited to the TEC Services Association Quality Standards Framework.
Royal College of Nursing Medication eLearning Training Accreditation
Our Medication eLearning has received RCN training accreditation. RCN accreditation is a mark of quality. Accredited programmes are assessed against the RCN Quality Assurance Standards for a wide range of training providers who want to guarantee that their initiatives are up-to-date, of the highest quality, and effective in educating nurses and the wider health care family.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
Sanctuary is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Skills for Care
Sanctuary Care is a Skills for Care endorsed training provider. This national quality standard recognises the best learning and development in the adult social care sector.
Cyber Essentials Scheme
Sanctuary Group has achieved accreditation to the Cyber Essentials Scheme. This is a Government-backed, industry-supported scheme that guides businesses in protecting against cyber threats.
CIPP Payroll Assurance Scheme
Sanctuary is accredited to the CIPP Payroll Assurance Scheme, which is the gold standard for processes and people and the prestigious award to covet in the payroll industry. It consists of two distinct elements, payroll processes and the learning and development of staff within the payroll function.
Considerate Constructors Scheme
Sanctuary Group is a Client Partner of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. All of Sanctuary's new development sites are registered under the scheme.
Safety Schemes in Procurement
Sanctuary uses the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) model to ensure that it properly assesses and regulates the health and safety of contractors.
Respect ASB Charter for Housing
Sanctuary has signed up to Respect - ASB Charter for Housing, from the Chartered Institute of Housing, the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group and the performance improvement service HouseMark. This charter was put together in consultation with residents and landlords and puts a higher priority on tackling anti-social behaviour.
Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme
Sanctuary is a silver level employer in the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme. This scheme encourages employers to support defence people and inspire others to do the same. The scheme encompasses awards for employer organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support to defence and the Armed Forces community, and align their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.