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Swapping your home

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What is a mutual exchange?

A mutual exchange is when two or more tenants agree to swap homes with each other on a permanent basis. For example, if your home is too large or too small for you, a mutual exchange can a great way to find a home that is the right size for you.

Am I eligible?

There are certain criteria that you need to meet to be eligible for a mutual exchange. To be eligible you must;

  • have no rent arrears

  • move to a property of the correct size for your current needs (we would not normally support a move where someone ends up with more bedrooms than they need)

  • not be seeking to move into a property with aids and adaptations, for example wet rooms, without being assessed and given a medical recommendation

  • not be subject to a Possession Order or Suspended Possession Order

  • not be subject to a Notice of Seeking Possession for a breach of tenancy

What do you need to do?

  1. First, you will need to find someone to exchange with. We are not responsible for helping you to find someone to swap with.

  2. You can find someone to swap with by registering on the HomeSwapper website or other exchange websites. We have provided more advice on how to find someone to swap with in our Mutual Exchange FAQs.

  3. You will need to visit the other home to make sure you are happy with it . We have created a handy checklist to help you.

  4. Once you’ve found someone to exchange with, you must each complete and return a mutual exchange application form (below)

  5. For all mutual exchanges, you must pay rent in advance

  6. The outgoing tenant must have a clear rent account at the time of the exchange, with no arrears

What will we do?

  1. Once we have received applications from all exchanging customers, we will acknowledge receipt of them within 5 days and start the process of reviewing your application

  2. We will send someone out to visit both homes (if both homes are Sanctuary homes), to ensure that everyone is happy with the exchange.

  3. We may also have to carry out gas and electricity checks prior to you moving into the property

  4. We will respond to you with a decision within 28 days. We will respond in writing either approving or refusing the exchange. If we do refuse, we will let you know why.

  5. If the exchange involves more than one landlord, the exchange will need to be approved by all landlords. 

Before you apply for a mutual exchange, we suggest you read all of the FAQs below

Apply for a mutual exchange

Apply for a mutual exchange

Mutual Exchange FAQs