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Sanctuary Scotland’s rents will increase by 4.1 percent from July 2025, our Board of Management has confirmed. This figure is based on last…
Our Housing and Community Connectors team are helping Sanctuary customers who are struggling with addiction and at risk of losing their…
We’re always looking to work with you, our customers, to shape and improve the service we provide.
The Transfer of Engagements of Johnnie Johnson Housing (JJH) to Sanctuary has today (Friday 31 January) been completed. Completion of the…
Sanctuary has been inspected for the first time by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) under its new consumer standard. Our rating of C2…
Sanctuary has published its Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2024. This report is based on Sanctuary’s pay and bonus data as at the…
This year we have shared a series of videos that tell the stories of Sanctuary residents and their communities.
Everybody has the right to be safe, no matter who you are or what your circumstances.