What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse does not discriminate, it can happen to anyone, anywhere, regardless of age, gender, or background.
Domestic abuse or violence is behaviour that causes a person mental or physical harm. This can be behaviour by either a partner or an ex-partner.
Examples of domestic abuse include:
- physical or sexual violence
- isolating a person from friends or family
- frightening, humiliating or punishing a person
- controlling your money and building up debts in your name
- coercive control, telling you where you can and cannot go, or controlling your social media

How can we help?
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, you can talk to us in confidence.
We'll do the following:
We’ll listen to you.
With your permission we can refer you to domestic abuse services that can give you advice, support and information.
We’ll discuss your housing options with you, and tell you what we can do to make you and your family safer in your home.
We’ll work with the police and other agencies to help keep you and your family safe.
You can contact us for advice by:
Phoning us on 0808 168 3475
If you or another person are in immediate danger, please contact the police by calling 999.
Support services
Organisations that can provide support and assistance
Here is a list of national support services available to support people across Scotland.