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Our Local Areas - Renfrewshire

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We have more than 600 general needs homes across Paisley, Linwood and Renfrew.

Your local office details can be found below:

Rent a home

For homes in Renfrewshire:

  • Phone 0800 131 3348 or email and ask our Customer Hub for an application form.
  • Renfrewshire applicants will increase their chance of a Sanctuary home if they also apply to the local council directly.

Swap your home

Mutual exchange is often the best way to obtain the house you want in your chosen area. Existing tenants may be able to exchange with another public sector tenant in certain areas.

To find someone to swap homes with:

Register with HomeSwapper (new window). The free HomeSwapper service helps you arrange a mutual exchange with thousands of tenants across Scotland.

Council Tax and Benefits

Please visit the Renfrewshire Council website if you wish to:

  • Pay your Council Tax
  • View your Council Tax band
  • Apply for a Council Tax discount, exemption or Housing Benefit

Rubbish and Recycling

Renfrewshire Council runs a bulk refuse collection service for household items too big for your bin.

Things too bulky or awkward for normal collection can also be taken to your nearest public refuse site.

Please visit the Renfrewshire Council website for more information.

Social Care and Health

Click the links below to learn more about Renfrewshire Council's Social Care and Health Service:

Welfare Rights advice

Contact your local Sanctuary office or call 0800 131 3348 to speak to your Welfare Rights Officer for benefit related advice, including making a claim or disputing a decision.

Or visit the Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) website, which lists details of your nearest CAS office.