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Corporate memberships

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Corporate memberships

Sanctuary holds corporate membership of a range of organisations designed to advance causes we believe in, improve services and share learning.


Tech She Can Charter

Sanctuary has reaffirmed its commitment to encouraging gender diversity in the technology sector by signing the PwC Tech She Can Charter. Signing the charter sees Sanctuary join a host of national and international organisations in pledging to work together to generate a lasting increase in the number of women in technology roles.

Armed Forces Covenant

Sanctuary recognises the commitment and value Serving Personnel, both Regular and Reservists, Veterans and military families contribute to our business and our country and has signed the Armed Forces Covenant.

Armed Forces Covenant logo


Primary Authority Scheme - Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service

Sanctuary has a Primary Authority Scheme relationship with Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. This partnership enables fire and rescue services across the country to work consistently to improve fire safety and streamline compliance management across all of our properties.

Time to Change Employer Pledge

Sanctuary has shown its support for breaking the silence that surrounds mental health in the workplace by signing the Time to Change Employer Pledge. Signing the pledge demonstrates our commitment to changing how people think and act about mental health in the workplace and making sure our employees who are facing these problems feel supported.

Time to change Employer Pledge logo

Make a Stand campaign

Sanctuary has signed up to the Make a Stand campaign, which has been developed by the Chartered Institute of Housing to support those affected by violence in the home.

White Ribbon Status

Sanctuary has been awarded White Ribbon Status by White Ribbon UK, a male-led campaign which aims to end violence by men against women.

Homes for Cathy commitments

Sanctuary has signed up to the nine Homes for Cathy commitments as part of its work to tackle homelessness. Homes for Cathy, a national alliance of housing associations committed to ending homelessness, has worked in partnership with the charity Crisis to produce the nine commitments. These have been developed in consultation with the members of Homes for Cathy and they give housing associations a tool to use when developing policies and practices.

Building a Safer Future Charter

Sanctuary is pleased to be a Registered Signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter. We recognise that becoming a Registered Signatory is an important first step towards achieving the culture and behavioural change required in relation to the Charter's objectives around building safety. In confirming our support as a Registered Signatory, we will now be working to ensure that we embed the principles of the Charter into our organisation’s activities.

Plain English Campaign logo

National Housing Federation logo

Homes for Cathy logo

Women's Trade Network logo