10th July 2023
Sanctuary Scotland

Are you passionate about making a positive impact to people’s lives and their communities?
Our strategic priorities focus on improving our services for every customer, making this an exciting time to be a part of Sanctuary Scotland’s leadership and governance.
What’s involved?
We have vacancies on our Central Area Committee, covering our homes in Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Inverclyde and Edinburgh.
Committee members meet four times a year to hold Sanctuary Scotland to account for how well we deliver our services. They also make decisions on key areas including our repairs and maintenance, allocations, income collection and factoring.
Our meetings take place remotely so you’ll need to have a device to join our Microsoft Teams meetings. We cover a big geographical area and we’ve found remote meetings enables more customers to take part.
What we are looking for
- We would particularly welcome interest from tenants, owners and other residents of communities where Sanctuary Scotland has homes. People with experience of working in the housing sector would be a good addition too.
- Members don't need experience but should be willing and able to contribute to discussions. We want our members to challenge us in a positive and constructive way.
What you’ll get from being a committee member
You can:
Develop a new sense of purpose
Open up your career path with new skills and knowledge
Get personal satisfaction from giving something back to your community
Make a real difference to the lives of Sanctuary communities across Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Inverclyde and Edinburgh
Build a sense of achievement and improve your confidence and self-esteem
Have your views heard in a mutually supportive environment
If you are interested or would like to know more, please email Theresa Toner, our Head of Housing.